Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stop Wasting Perfectly Good Trees People

If you have picked up and leafed through any one of the twenty or so magazines and newspapers in and around the Upstate of South Carolina, I am sure you have noticed the common underlying theme. For the ten percent of the small business community that can afford expensive advertising, it is an unparalleled dive into Greenville's elite circle. For some reason, success is measured by what event you may have attended, or what local celebrity is in your print ad. I was lacking a deserving term for the people who waste trees with all of these rags, and the group of people who spend their money to be associated with them. After brainstorming for a while, I was able to generate nothing. Why, because that is basically what you get from all of them. I decided to adopt a word that Merriam and Webster deem worthy. SUPERFLUOUS.

Beginning in June, I am going on a mission. I am going to make it my goal to find every one of those rags and read them, cover to cover, and dissect them from a consumer standpoint. As a part of the RELATIVITY PROJECT 2010 I am going to get to the bottom of what is going with the marketing, advertising, social media and small business scene.

If you are a small business owner, social group, at-home dynamo, or just someone who has always had the drive, talent, passion and creativity, but lacked the ability to find yourself in a sea of overdoers, check out the RELATIVITY PROJECT 2010.

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