I am inclined to think that most blogs regardless of subject matter or author, go completely unnoticed by mainstream society. I think that most people would rather watch to see what is happening on a trumped up fake reality show than actually watch the news. I am beginning to wonder if even Twitter, FB, Myspace and all of the other social networking sites has desensitized our brains. For as long as I have been blogging (or trying to) i have shared my posts on FB and Twitter, but it seems that for all of the followers and friends I have, none have time to stop in and read what I am writing, much less comment on it.
So, I have decided to start the RELATIVITY PROJECT 2010. Beginning next week, I am going to begin posting written, audio and video blog segments focusing on whatever may be going on for that particular day. If by some miracle of a chance you are actually reading this and may follow future blog posts, I would like for you to simply email me at richardbstarkey@gmail.com and send me one of the following things:
1. An honest, no holds barred comment
2. A photo or video of something you think is either relevant or blog-worthy ( I promise I will use it in my next blog and give you credit)
3. A fuck-off, get-a-life, your wrong because, or some kind of short
4. A dollar (not really, but if you want to)
In exchange for your contribution, I will continue the RP2010 and mention you or your blog in my posts.
So whats in it for you? You can get your creative juices flowing and be productive for a change.
I think that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and you are right about people. We all need to step up and take our country back and make the country that our forefathers meant for it to be....
ReplyDeleteDo you mean blood in the streets or ghosts at the polls?